G Gundam (God Gundam), issued in the Generation Neo line of BB senshi Gundam kits. It's very hard for me not to squeal about how darned cute this kit is, because it's utterly, utterly adorable, so I'll try to stick to the technical aspects! Molded in pre-colored plastic with Bandai's fantastic multi-gate technology (which allows multiple colors on the same tree), there are four trees (a lot for such a teeny kit!), and one tree of polycaps for the joints. Included for limited customisation are two left hands and two right hands, in day-glo orange plastic so you can pretend he's powering up with the mighty God Finger -- what? You want non-glowy hands? Not included, unfortunately! Despite all the photos on the box and in the instructions booklet, there are no grey/non-glowing hands in this kit. A note on the side of the box points out that the MG God Gundam hand parts will fit just fine, if you don't want your SD God Gundam hands to 'glow'.